Sunday, December 27, 2015


Welcome to Halcyon Days, the expanded version of Halcyon which focused on just the seasons. I was pleased with the magazine and received lots of positive feedback. The only drawback was having to reject publication-worthy submissions because of my own guidelines--I required a seasonal theme. Despite getting manuscripts that strayed from the guidelines, their literary beauty impressed me. So, I expanded the magazine to include more generalized topics.

Halcyon Days will still have the same uplifting content, images, and message. It's a publication to help you discover the peaceful things in life. It compliments the phrase “Keep Calm.” Themes will focus on comfortable circumstances, fun, good things, times of plenty, prosperity, and content that quiets you down.
Frequency: Quarterly
Paying: Not yet
Reprints: Yes, mention from where
Reading schedule: Continuous
Deadlines: 10th of March, June, Sept, and Dec